High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours

Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs

Ch. Glow Scarlet Of The Windy Spring
aka Scarlet
Health tests
CERF, = tested Normal
Many more test on Paw Print full Canine Panel are available.r
OFA Link
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing , each of our dogs has a document with copies of full canine tests, certificates and titles available upon request.
Scarlet was Born
April 22, 2021
Scarlet Née le
22 de Avril 2021
pour la version Française.
The parents of Scarlet and Ruby are Ch. LeeAnns Rayon De Soleil Glows and the male my imported European Multi Champion Midas Glow Tesoro Di Mauro.
My handler picked Scarlet as my keeper.
I was planning to exchange her sister Ruby for a male puppy from another breeder. Unfortunately, the male dog died of Parvo and the breeder cancelled the transaction.
Scarlet has a very sweet personality and is very affectionate like her father Midas. She manages to conquer the hearts of visitors and many asked me if I would place her on their home.
Her first and only breeding so far, she produced two puppies that went to show homes.
Probably the others could have qualified as show quality as well, but I'm happy if they are well loved and have a happy forever home.

ICh. LeeAnns Rayon De Soleil Glows and Multi-Champion Mids Glow Tesoro Di Mauro