High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours

Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs

GCH. Ch. Glow Gucci Poochy
aka Gucci
GLOW Lady Go Diva
Health tests
Optigen: PRA “A”, = tested Normal
DM = Clear
Diversity Certificate will be available soon
When she becomes 24 month she will have the hips and patella's certified by OFA, her preliminaries are normal.
OFA Link
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing go to the OFA link.
Each of our dogs has a document with aditional tests, copies of certificates and titles available upon request.
Gucci was born
June 28/2023
It was not in my plans to keep another dog...
I really loved this litter, but I had promised the pick of the litter to another breeder.
The breeder decided that she did not want to spend any more money on veterinary bills. Gucci had UTI.
I decided to take her back and had her check for everything...The vet even made preliminary hips X-rays and patella's examination.
She had finished the antibiotic supplied by the breeder and a bit of cranberries on her dish with her meals fixed he UTI.
Gucci was very scared of strangers, she would not walk on the leash, she will place the breaks even with a harness and pee herself when i tried to pet her.
It took some time to get her used to the handling leash and play freely with other dogs.
When I received her at 5 month, I was disappointed because she was already groomed in Continental.
My option was try to grow hair on her legs to place her in puppy trim and I would not be able to show her until the spring.
It is not a great idea to show a puppy in Continental, but she had such a beautiful dark thick hair that she could handle it.
After some training, I sent her with Rafael and his helper Violet Wales showed her for the first time.

Née le
28 de Juin 2023
pour la version Française.