High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours

Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs

"Ch. Glow Bright Selena" aka Selena Pom Pom
Née le
13 de Julie 2015
pour la version Française.
Selena was born
July 13, 2015
From the first breeding of our silver foundation female Ch. Alegria Glow Joya de Plata, with our German import Ch. Silver Eljano Vom Orechers Hof, I got two males and one female.
We kept Tinsel, and we breed her to Ch. Palman's Nautilus aka Nemo.
On this picture you can see her at 6 weeks old with his parents and siblings pictures in top. Both of her parents have light silver/platimum coats. At his tender age you can already see her color turning. Silver are born black and start fading at 6 weeks old.
At 8 weeks old we took the puppies to be evaluated by Jennifer Carr. She thinks she is show quality.
I could ot resist her feminine charm and she won my heart keeping her with us at home.
We did some handling classes and grow her hair into the puppy clip for exhibition. We tried showing her and her brother in February and she got best puppy in breed.
In October we went with the puppies to see teh leaf changing colors and at 3 month you can also see how light she is becoming...
My friend Judy came over for a visit and help me set her on the table for a little picture. She has long legs...
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing go to main page of our dogs /nos chiens

Health tests:
Optigen: PRA “A”= Accession #15-7217 PO-PRA1392/2F_PI
CERF- Both eyes Normal PO-EYE3538/20F-VPI
Patella's Good, OFA PO-PA 3620/24F/P_VPI
Hips = Good OFA PO-24771G24F-VPI
NEW !!! VGL Diversity Certificate at the end of her page,
We practiced handling all winter. In the month of May she was already completely a lovely platinum color.
I presented her at Hochelaga and later Tethford Mines where she got her first point.
A nice gentelman but the name of Libere Reanud took some wonderful pictures of her and Willy.
I took Willy Wonkla along just to get him used to the show atmosphere.
She was going through a shy stage, and I decided to wait until she matured a bit before presenting her again.
We were invited to a grooming seminar and we placed her in continental clip when she became a year old.
We thought the continental did show off her lovely hairs much as a English sale we decided to let her hair grow again.
Her mother Tinsel got lost and I had no energy to present her again that year...
When October came she ended up moving to Quebec

Championship Campaign
We went to Bay St-Paul on early spring 2017 where she made 3 Group placements, owner handled by me.
After Thetford Mines Selena had already at 9 points!
We wanted to finish her fast to be able to enjoy the ourdoors and take Selena for a vacation, camping cycling and swimming.

We sent Selena and Heavenly Joy with Kim Wendling who did a great job at St-Anne de La Parade, near Quebec city. Both girls finished tehir Canadian Champion that weekend. Kim is a terrific groomer and handler.