High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours
Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs
GCh . "Glow Blanca Nieves" aka Neige
Health tests: CHIC# 109002
PRA “A” - PO-PRA1138/26F,
CERF - PO-EYe2000/22F-VPIl,
Hips - PO-22913G26F-VPI = Good
Patella's = Good - PO-PA2761/26F/P-VPI
NEW !!! VGL Diversity Certificate at th end of this page
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing go to main page of our dogs /nos chiens
Neige été Née le
2 de Juin, 2013
pour la version Française.
Neige was born
June 2, 2013
On the top picture composition you can see Ch. Denote Claire de Lune on her last week of pregnancy... She did not eat much during her pregnancy, and it was a nice surprise when she delivered 4 healthy puppies, 2 M and 2 F.
The head of Mr. MacCloud is next to Claire de Lune, and he was a nice dog even is he was not kept on coat... He had excellent health records: Hips=Excellent,
Optigen=PRA "A", CERF=normal, Heart=Normal, Patellas= normal. He sired many Champions and GCh. and he had a gentle nature.
Neige has great pigmentation; she even had black nails when she was a baby. She also has very nice conformation and great personality.
She started showing as a baby puppy at Place Bonaventure, but she was very shy... Then she went to Brantford for two days with Graeme Burdon, and got her first point at 6 month.
Professional picture on center, is a courtesy of Michael Rowlandson.
Canadian Championship
At Lindsay Show, thanks to Judge Walter Pinsker,
to the proffessional handling by Emily Burdon
and grroming by Jennifer Carr
Neige got her first Mayor
At Victoria Show, thanks to Judge Mrs. L. Saranchuk ,
proffessional handling and grooming by Jennifer Carr,
Neige got her Canadian Championship
At Victoria Show, thanks to Judge Mr. L. Hartfield,
proffessional handling and grroming by Jennifer Carr
Neige got a Group 4
At Victoria Show, already as a special, thanks to Judge Mr. M. Saranchuk, proffessional handling and grooming by Jennifer Carr,
Neige got a Group 2 and Best Puppy in Group
There was no shows on winter time so we had to wait until February for Ontario Breeders Association held at Lindsay. There she got the breed the first day, but got spooked by another dog when she went to compete on the group, so she did not cooperate the two following days.
I needed to socialize her! Mira, a neighbour offered to take her home to play with her daughters... and that helped a lot!
Neige thought:
"There are too many baths between shows!
I may as well go to have fun and get really dirty since I will get to be bath and blow-dried any way!!!
Sometimes it is nice to just be a dog!"
After Arnprior we took a a break for the summer, and returned on November to the United Show, at Bonaventure in Montreal.
At United Show, shown as a special Neige got BoB every day!
thanks to proffessional handling by Emily Burdon
and grooming by Hailey Griffit,
Judge Mrs. L. Paradis Friday Nov 7
Neige got a Group 3
and the next day Judge Mr. Robert Stein gave her
a Group 1 competing for BoS
At Arnprior Show, as a special, thanks to Judge Mr. B. Mac Donald and
proffessional handling and grooming by Jennifer Carr,
Neige got a Group 4
This picture was taken Christmas 2014, we spent many winter month at home growing hair...
Mommy Gloria had fun making braids with her long top knot and ears.
We were not sure when, but one day we would be back on the show ring again...
She was too beautiful to clip her down. She only needed a few points to be a GCH...
I was so proud of her...
Neige started training on agility on the fall and she did very well.
She loves to share the outings, walking in the forest and doing things together with her best friend Baci.
In the spring we took a few pictures to show her progress, but she could not compete with the long hair tied up on bundles...
in the spring we took a few pictrues to show her progress, but she could not compete with the long hair on bundles...
April came and Neige started competing again in The Victoria Show. Jenn was so happy to put her back in the ring!
Neige did very well that week-end, getting the BOB every day, and one more group 4. Daniel took some very nice pictures while we had to be hiding.
She looked like a little princess...thanks to the rofessional grooming and handling of of Jennifer Carr.
There was no competition registered in minis anywhere, that spring ... July came and we were forced to have Neige shown in Quebec.
Jenn would not come to Quebec and we tried to show with someone else at Chateauguay, she was shown by Karyne Cazelais...
She got the Best of Breed two times and a Group 3 as well by Judge Mrs. Jackie Rusby.
The next show was in August, we took her back to Jenn because we found some special competition in Ontario at Kilbride.
There she got BOB two times and a Group 4, by Judge Mr. W. Rodriguez Umana, competing with a lovely special who is #2 mini in Canada.
She got to be listed on the top 5 minis in Canada missing only one more point to GCH...
Neige remained #5 mini until she accomplished her GCH title.
“Neige had a fantastic week-end at the Trillium Show!!!
My birthday present this year was to go to the Trillion show with my husband Daniel. He took very nice candid pictures from a distance, because we were afraid Neige would not behave if she saw us...
Trillion had many breeds specialties that week-end plus the PCC (Poodle Club of Canada) National Specialty and the Regional Poodle Club Specialty organized by OVPC (Ottawa Valley poodle Club). I belong to both clubs and I was very proud to show this beautiful princess from my own breeding.
Jennifer did a great job like always! Her grooming and handling is remarkable.
Neige got BOB on the first day Friday 30 of October and in a humongous group she got placed with a Group 4 by judge Mr. Charles Olvis. She made 4 GCH points completing her title. She only needed one!
The next day, my birthday, was the Regional Poodle Specialty with a large entry. She competed on both trials and got BOB on the all breed show and Best Miniature at OVPC Specialty, by well known poodle judge Mr. Edd Bivin.
The final combined specialties drew a well-known dog, winner at Crufts and PCA. Neige got Best of Opposite against this lovely Black Standard imported from England. We were lucky to see her win and we were very proud of her.
She completed her show career with Multiple Group placements and can't ask her for more... She has : BoO in the Specialty, 1 G1, 1 G2, 2 G3, 7 G4 and many BoB.
I was told by several people, and judges that Neige is so beautiful that she should stay in the ring; however, I think it is time to clip her hair down and let her be a dog, have new experiences, including agility and being a mom… She is going to be bred very soon to an American GCH Logos Raise a Glass aka Aiden and we are looking forward to see their lovely white puppies early in the New Year. Both dogs have excellent health testing and Neige is Chic Certified by OFA and has a VGL Certificate for Diversity.”
Cette photo a été prise le Noël de 2014, nous avons passé de nombreux mois d'hiver en prenant soin de pousser les cheveux ...
Mamá Gloria s’amusée et faisais des tresses avec ses cheveux long dans la tête et oreilles.
Nous ne savions pas quand, mais un jour, nous serions de retour sur le ring à nouveau ...
Elle était trop belle pour le couper les cheveux. Elle avait besoin de quelques points pour être une GCH ......
Je suis tellement fière d'elle ...
Neige a commencé la formation sur l'agilité sur l'automne et elle a très bien fait.
Elle aime partager les sorties, la marche dans la forêt et faire des choses ensemble avec sa meilleure amie Baci.
Au printemps, nous avons pris quelques photos pour montrer ses progrès, mais nous ne pouvions pas concurrencer avec les cheveux toutes attaches.
Avril est venu et Neige a commencé la compétition à nouveau en conformation au Victoria. Jenn était tellement heureux de la montrer encore.
Neige obtenu un Meilleur de la Race chaque jour et même un Group 4. Daniel a pris de très belles photos, mais nous avons dû se cacher.
Elle ressemblait à une petite princesse ... grâce à la toilettage professionnel et la présentation de Jennifer Carr.
Ce printemps, il y avait pas de concurrence de conformation enregistré dans minis. Sur le mois de Juillet, nous avons trouvé la concurrence pour Neige au Québec.
Jenn été pas capable de venir au Québec et nous avons essayé de montrer avec quelqu'un d'autre.
Elle a été montrée par Karyne Cazelais à Châteauguay.
Elle a obtenu le Meilleur de la Race deux fois et ainsi un « Groupe 3 » par le juge Mme Jackie Rusby.