High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours

Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs

"Ch. Glow Eydis Stellar Dazzle TP" aka Eydis
Health tests:
Optigen: PRA “A”I
CERF- Both eyes Normal
Patella's Good, I
Hips = Good I
VGL Diversity Certificate Available
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing go to main page of our dogs /nos chiens
Eydis was born
March 22, 2020
From the first breeding of our silver female Ch. Glow Titania The Queen Fairy, with our American import Ch. Snowbound Wiggins, I got one male and three females.
We kept one silver Eydis, and we could not resist to a second one, because we were surprised to get a white puppy, her sister Phoenix.
Both of her parents have light silver/platimum coats. At the tender age of 8 weeks, you can already see the color turning. Silvers are born black and start fading at 6 weeks old.
I could not resist her feminine charm and she won my heart keeping her with us at home.
Her sister Phoenix was placed on a foster home.
We did some handling classes and grow her hair into the puppy clip for exhibition.
I sent her with Rafael and she was able to compete before the Fall.
She was going through a shy stage, and I decided to wait until she matured a bit before presenting her again.
Née le
22 de Mars 2020
pour la version Française.

Eydis grew to be one of my favorite girls, and I may never let her go...
She is very affectionate and loves to spoon with me in bed, when I invite her to join me.
She leans quickly and loves doing agility.
We have 3 acres of land, so we made an agility ring in the back to practice and play with all the poodles individually, They love to have individual special time...
Sometimes we rent space indoors at Guides Canine in winter time to keep active.
She loves walking in the forest afterwards and is very attentive to my call.

Her first breeding was with Khrome around Christmas time in 2022.
They produced 3F + 3M , all of them beautiful and healthy.

Her second Breeding was born near Halloween the following year. My plan was to breed her to Glow Toffee, who had Excellent health testing and is clear for everything. We did that on a Monday.
However, Romeo was visiting Tuesday, to breed with Dulce and Eydis was ready before. When I got distracted for a minute they mated behind my back, I had to do parenting testing and out of 7 puppies, 6 were from Romeo.
The most beautiful was from Toffee, and she was sold to California. The other 6 were nice too, and I ended keeping one blue female: Ch. Glow Howling In Trick Or Treat.
I really liked the puppy produced with Toffee and I was sorry i had to let her go. I Repeated that breeding, in Christmas 2023 producing another 7 puppies. One male was a champion at 7 month Ch. Glow Leeanns Blu Orbit.
I kept one Female Glow Ceres Gaia Earth Goddess, who is already Pointed. I sold another show girl in New Brunswick Glow Iris the Rainbow Messenger who is doing great on many talents: dock diving, scent detection, hunting and in the Show ring as well. When I learned that Glow Vesta Serenade My Silver Moon was sold to a Doddle breeder, I could not go fast enough to rescue her. She is half way to her Championship already and is beautiful and smart. I call her Bijou to remember my silver foundation Joya who left us last Christmas.