High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours

Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs

Ch. Glow Carmina Bourana Little Doll
aka Dolly
GLOW Lady Go Diva
Ask us, for any dog pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing . Each of our dogs has a document with copies of certificates and titles available upon request.
Dolly was Born
August 25, 2021
Dolly's parents are Poupée and Midas.
She attracted me because of her joyful character.
She moves nicely with her tail up.
She took a long time to grow a nice coat and that is why I started showing her later than usual.
She is smart and learns fast, She is great on agility.
When I stared to train her on handling, she decided that it would be fun to jump on the judge's table by herself and will stack on her own.
I tried sending her with Rafael, but she showed best with me.
It took her a while to accept him to handle her, but she did finally completed her points for Champion at Elora.

Née le 25 de Août 2021
pour la version Française.

Ch. Glow Poupée de Soie and Midas Glow Tesoro Di Mauro.