High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours

Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs

"Style Now Flash of Joy" aka Flash
Health Testing:
Optigen PRCd "B"
VGL will be available soon
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing go to main page of our dogs /nos chiens
Flash was born
April 18, 2017
Sire: JCh Ru, JCh. Lt, Ch. Ru “Airi Arabeska X-Man”
Dame: JCh. Ru, .JCh. Lat., Ch. Ru, Ch. Hung. Ch. Rum, Ch. Lat, Ch. LT, Ch. Bel., Ch. Azer., In. Ch. In confirm “Grafika Ellanz You for Me”
Bred by: Marina Vanyavina.
Just because they say Diversity produces healthier lines, I started to look at big Dwarfs from Europe
Flash is a big Dwarf who will bring good diversity to my white line.
He weight already at 7 month 6Kg. measuring 32 cm at the withers.
I fell in love with him because he has great conformation and angulations and even more when I watched a video and he has great movement.

Flash is growing to be a very handsome young man…
Marina sent me many pictures and videos and he is full of energy to live up to his name.
I think Flash and Midas will both need agility training to channel al that energy and I’m looking forward to have fun with them.
Marina is working hard on training him because she likes to present him in January in Russia as a aspiring Champion.
Hopefully when Anna Di Mauro brings him and Midas in March Flash will already hold a title.